Gastrointestinal Disorders MedicineThis range of Gastrointestinal Disorder Medicines can be availed in 100 ml/200 ml packaging option. These drugs are used for treating ulcer of intestine. Special formulation of these medicines generates a layer over ulcer for its speed recovery. Provided Gastrointestinal Disorder Medicines composed of elements like sulphate, sucrose and aluminum hydroxide. After entering into stomach, this formulation goes through polymerization process to form a special coating layer on ulcer. Offered medicines prevent discharge of pepsin enzyme to interfere hydrolysis of mucosal protein. Special composition of these medicines accelerates production of prostaglandins and safeguards stomach lining. Free from adverse health effects, these drugs are reckoned for their specific storage life and long lasting effectiveness. Standard of these products has been verified on the basis of their packaging standard, formulation method and mode of action.
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